Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Things I Do For Those I Love.....And who badger me....

This morning as I was enjoying a delicious cup of coffee at Cafe Ladro I noticed my friend Becky outside the window. As her husband came in to grab some coffee I waved and scooted out to chat with her. We covered the basics before her husband came back out (did I mention her husband is Brad Evans and plays for the Sounders?!). Before they headed off we spotted another Sounders player, Andy Rose, down the sidewalk. We said goodbye and I instantly went in to brag text my husband and best friend. In turn they berated me for not getting a selfie with Brad. As I was texting a snarky response Andy Rose walked past the window and I managed to snap a wicked stealth photo. I sent that to the hecklers only to disappoint them again that it wasn't a selfie. *Sigh*
I finished my last few sips of coffee and headed out. As I driving up the hill I saw Rose again on the sidewalk. I made a split second decision to pounce on him like paparazzi to appease the disgruntled two. I pulled over so fast I nearly squealed the brakes, then in my rush I couldn't find my phone and floundered hurriedly in the car hunting it down afraid I would miss this one opportunity for glory.
Finally, heart pounding, phone firmly in hand, I bolted from my car and across the street. In a rush of half sentences and slurred words I explained running into Becky and Brad, not getting a selfie, and disappointing my crew. I then asked if I could get a photo with him for self preservation. He of course readily agreed (those Sounders boys are super nice) and his wife/girlfriend took the shot for us. I gleefully thanked him and bounced back to my car. Only to discover that it was locked.....with the keys inside. Playing it cool I walked around to the passenger side like that was my plan all along while waiting for Rose and his lady to turn the corner and not notice my amazing lack of coordination. I have NO idea when my car got locked, probably while floundering for my phone. At this point I was dying with laughter at the last 15min of my day. 
My penance for not just bucking up initially and getting a selfie with Brad was walking the 1 mile to the gym, my next planned destination.

The Fast Stealth Pic.....                                              

The Paparazzi Attack....

Hours later this is still cracking me up!


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