Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Surviving the Heat of Chelan

It has been a crazy hot summer around here. And it's only just beginning. We planned an escape to Lake Chelan with our close family friends. When we planned it this sounded amazing. The reality was more heat!! It was 105 at least 2 of the days we were there. I now know what it feels like to be inside a dryer. The upside was that we had a pool and a lake to cool off in. We all just swam, and swam, and swam, and swam.... you get the picture. It is trips like these that make me appreciate that my kids are good swimmers. And that they trust our friends enough to be coerced into jumping off a high dock (because that was NOT going to happen for mom and dad). Many popsicles were consumed and everyone came home happy, sweaty, but happy.


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