Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And That's a Wrap

Well I made it 157 days of posting a photo each day. Somewhere along the line 2 weeks ago I dropped the ball and couldn't regain momentum. I am disappointed not to complete this mission but it was flawed.
Not so far into the project I realized I missed blogging just to blog. It felt like overkill to post a picture and then post about our adventures and happenings. I was also a bit disappointed that 99% of the photos were of the girls (though not surprised). It was hard to see so little of Scott and I being us in the photos.
The last few weeks have been non stop and I am grateful for the nap I took today instead of trying to catch up on photos. I am releasing myself from "guilt for not posting" by abandoning the project.
Here is a quick photo recap of the last few weeks:


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