Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Bradley's Take On.....Spring Sports

For the first time all four of us are doing sports at the same time. This makes for a busy busy week, every week. Leia is playing soccer (which I get to help coach), Kate is running track, I am playing indoor soccer, and Scott is continuing his Karate. It is so fun seeing the girls embrace their activities and be excited for each practice and game. Scott and I love how easily they pass out at night!
Leia's soccer team is the Pumpkins, or the Tigers, depends on the day. She gets to play with her bestest friend Rylee and the two of them are relentless on the field.

Kate is running track on the Rocketing Roadrunners team. I appreciate her willingness to try something new and something she knew nothing about. After the first practice she told me it was more running than she thought it was going to be! She seems to have managed her expectations about that and is settling into it. I doubt she'll do it again next Spring but at least she is trying hard now.


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