Saturday, October 31, 2009

Kate Reading

Kate does really well at memorizing. She "read" this book to me the other night and her voice is so cute I thought I would share. I am including the words since she is hard to understand. And at one point she ad libs, which is a bit confusing.

I THINK ABOUT GOD: Two Stories About My Day
Tell me, Mother, tell me why...Why do birds stay in the sky?
And why are grown up people tall, while Jean and John and I are small?
Why does the rain fall? Why does the moon shine?
Why do the clouds move? Why does the wind whine?
Why does it get dark? Why is a puddle wet?
Why is the snow white? And why does the sun set?
Why does baby cry? Why do I yawn?
Why do I sleep at night and wake up with the dawn?
Little child, I'll tell you why: God wills all these things to be.
He made the earth and sea and sky, just as he made you and me.

The sun peeps in to wake me. I jump up from my rest.
(this is where the ad libbing happens!)
I promise God that all day long I'll do my very best.
I wash my face and brush my teeth. I comb my hair, I try.
I put away the slippy soap and spread the towel to dry.
I help to get my breakfast. My big pink bowl I find.
I pour the cereal carefully- I like the popping kind!
I stand beside my mother while she washes baby Tim.
Sometimes I take the fluffy puff and help to powder him.
It's time to put my coat on. Off to the store we start.
I help to carry packages and push the shopping cart.
Back home, I color pictures. I do the best I can.
Today I drew some tigers and a very funny man.
Soon it's time for bed again. I talk to God and say,
"Help me to do my very best to please you every day."


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. thanks for sharing. She is very good at memorizing and the ad-libbing is so interesting. What a wonderful smart little girl. Uncle Chuck

Marley Bearden said...

I did a google search for a book my daughter used to 'read' to me when she was a 2 year old and came across this. The one about 'the sun peeps in to wake me' is the one she 'read' to me. Listening to your little girl brought back a lovely memory! Thanks for sharing. My little girl is 32 now. :-)

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me the Author of the book I do my best,please?

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