I forgot to take a photo before I started, but here's a snapshot before tearing up the carpet, but after I had moved most of the furniture out and torn off all the moulding:

No turning back now...started tearing out the carpet. Kate and Willow were so fascinated with what I was doing that I had to put the baby gates back up to keep them from stepping on staples and those nasty tack strips -- those things are SHARP! They watched from the gate and the outside the window for a while. I cut the carpet and pad out in 4-foot strips to make them nice and easy to carry.

Calling it a night. Got all the moudling, nails, carpet, pad, tack strips, and staples removed and swept the whole area. It was really quite disgusting to see all the dirt underneath the carpet. My friend Andrew came up from Eugene, OR for a few days and we're gonna start laying floor bright and early tomorrow morning. The only hard part we anticipate is trying to make it seamless to the kitchen and entryway without needing a transition. That will probably be time-consuming, but other than that, it's pretty much just a rectangle and should go quickly. Hopefully we'll get the whole floor done tomorrow...

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