Here's a snapshot at lunchtime of the finished floor. Take note of the brown moulding above the hand-rail in this picture:

Now check out the view after we replaced it with new white moulding. This is just primered moudling -- it will be painted with real white later. Thanks to Andrew's skillful use of a hacksaw, chisel, and razor knife, this turned out awesome despite nothing in this house being square or plumb.

Now snapshots of the state of the project at the end of day two. We still have the window sills to do.

We also still have one more time-consuming rail to do as seen in the upper-left corner of this photo:

Kate loves the new floor. It makes a great track for running laps. She also loves having a big open room with no furniture, in which she annouces "Kate go circle crazy" and then proceeds to run in circles until she gets so dizzy she falls down. And then she does it again and again and laughs histerically.
Tomorrow a few more mouldings and window sills to put up, then on to fillng nail holes and seams, and caulking. We'll be done before the day is out, woohoo!
Looks awesome.
It's like having a big dance floor in the house. Kate announces each morning " I love it"
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