Today completes the first step of converting the dog area we never use into a play area for the kids: adding a step. Here is a pic of the area before work began:

For the first step, I removed the gate, and built a step down into the play area. The drop was 18 inches, and a standard step is supposed to be 7 inches, so I cheated a little bit. I dug a few inches deep in the landing and packed it in with gravel to raise the ground a little, and level it to reduce the drop to 16 inches. Then I build a box with Trex on the surface for the step and installed it in the doorway such that each step down is 8 inches. Close enough.

I'll probably put some lattice behind the new step, just for cosmetics. I haven't decided on the next step...I'll either start prepping the rest of the ground, or deal with the fence between the play area and the deck. For that we are going to remove the fence boards and cut the posts down to a height more consistent with a hand rail and then either build railing out of it or affix lattice. Either way, the point is to make it so we can see the kids playing it from the deck while we are drinking beer.
Hoping to get this all done before Kate's birthday party...
Nice work. Is the table done?
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