Physically she is working on transitions when walking, take a step up or step down without holding on. Kate helped teach her somersaults yesterday. Slides at the park are her new thrill ride. She can't get enough and really loves when she can climb up to the top on her own. She is working on climbing the laddar in the play pit and soon will be able to do all the slide she wants!
It amazes me how much such a little person can master at once. Leia is always challenging herself and is proving to be quite a determined spirit.
Kate is in sponge mode as well. She is learning letter identification and sounds and makes leaps and bounds before I realize it. Her speech and sentence structure has improved as well. I feel like she turned into a 3 year old in the last few weeks even though she has 2 more months before her birthday.

3 will be a huge milestone for me. For some reason that is a hard concept to grasp. Maybe by the time her birthday rolls around I will be ready for it. For now I am a bit stunned she has been around for 3 years.
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