I set up the ladder in the front yard with some gym mats under it. At first it was on the short setting. Kate ran out to it with excitement, stood at the bottom, and repeatedly told me, "It's not too hard. I can do it. It's not difficult. I can do it myself. It's not hard. I can climb it." I think she was convincing herself more than she was convincing me. I finally told her, "Enough talk! More action!" Sure enough, she rocketed right up to the top, then back down.
I asked her if she wanted me to make it higher, and of course she said "Higher! Higher! Higher!". So I extended the ladder up one notch. She went up and down no problem. We repeated this until the ladder went no higher. She still wanted to go higher...
So I unfolded it out into extension-ladder mode. I contemplated setting it against the house to see if she'd go up it...but then I thought better of that. Those mats are good, but I'm not so sure about a fall off the roof...and I'm sure she'd go all the way up on the roof.
So instead we made a little obstacle course out of it and she had a blast climbing up into the bed of the truck.

I think Mom might have panicked at this last bit of getting into the truck. It was a bit dicey, but Kate managed it all on her own.
Nice truck. Kate, come clean my gutters.
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