Sunday, December 29, 2013

Knit Knot

 Yesterday my 6 year old taught me how to knit. That's right, she's 6 and she can knit and I can't. A few instructions and a YouTube video later we headed to Oma and Opa's house for dinner where my mom showed me how to be a bit more efficient as well as a skill for making smoother projects.
3 hours of trial and error later I created a pot holder. For a doll.
 Seriously, it was doll sized. Comically no one showed me how to finish a project so I was left to YouTube to figure that out. I think they had little faith I would actually make something. Well ha! I did it. Now I know you are wondering "Are you going to open an Etsy shop?" Because clearly I make a quality doll pot holder. Today I even made a second pot holder using Oma's tips on Purling (if you speak knitter you will know that's an actual thing).
Clearly that also turned out FABULOUSLY! I think I will call my Etsy shop Yarn and Knots, or maybe Yarn and Snot.  I'm undecided.

**Disclaimer.....My 6 year old might be better at this than me.....

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