We have spent the last few days celebrating the fact that Leia is no longer a baby but officially a toddler (who thinks she is a big kid). Leia turned 2 on Friday and she woke up to balloons, flowers, and sprinkle doughnuts. Later in the day her good buddy Rylee showed up for a sleepover (Rylee's parents had a conveniently timed vacation so we got her for an overnight). Oma, Opa, Aunt Kristi, and Cousin Aidan came by for dinner with plenty of birthday presents to spoil the girl. The day ended with cupcakes and 3 girls sleeping in one room.
On Sunday we had dinner with the Cook's and brought them leftover cupcakes to share in the celebration. Today we hit the park with Leia's good buddies and doled out more cupcakes, to some freezing little fingers!
While the festivities did not all go quite as I hoped we still had a great time and got to celebrate for 3 days. Next year I will plan her party better and try to remember it will always be on a holiday weekend.
I'm super proud of this kid. I feel like she is starting to rein in her bullying behavior. She shows clear signs of being empathetic even at 2. The lightbulb went on in her brain about a month ago and she has mastered potty training (at least the pee part). We have traded carrying diapers for carting around a little potty. Her language is making leaps and bounds. Four syllable words are her new goal. Watermelon and Pepperoni are my favorites. She is surrounded my a most amazing village of people and I couldn't ask for better friends and role models for her. Thanks to everyone who is helping me raise my children!