We took Kate's friend Willow D. to the zoo with us and met up with Leia's friends Shea, Tilda, and James. They had more fun eating and climbing on stuff than looking at animals. Oh well, it was a morning outside with good company.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
We took Kate's friend Willow D. to the zoo with us and met up with Leia's friends Shea, Tilda, and James. They had more fun eating and climbing on stuff than looking at animals. Oh well, it was a morning outside with good company.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
And this concludes the catch up version of 365's for the weekend! Whew.


Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
30 years ago my mom went through the shortest labor EVER and my dad got to deliver me. A win for all involved. Many people asked me over the last week "what are you doing for your birthday?" I'm not a big holiday celebrator. I am trying to embrace it for my kids but when it comes to me I just don't care. Kate was fully boggled that we didn't have cake and a present to open. It was a good chance to explain that not all gifts come in packages. Example: 3 years ago my in-laws were visiting on my birthday and my MIL asked what I wanted to do for my special day. I told her I wanted to be alone with my 1 month old baby. We had visitors for the first 5 full weeks of her life and I was ready to get to know Kate. It was a fantastic day.
Today I had nothing unusual planned. We were told of a park to explore and I planned to go for a run. It turned into one of those park days that you want to last forever. The kids were awesome, the weather was awesome, it just flowed (with the help of birthday coffee and homemade cupcakes, thanks Dags!). This was followed by some quiet downtime at home and then off to the Turner's for a run trade (we each have kids so one runs while the other babysits, and then swap). My run was excellent even in the warm weather. Then an old friend showed up unexpected and we all went out to dinner (the hubby joined the day at this point). After a late, but quick bedtime routine I am now right where I want to be: on the deck with a glass of wine and a good book (that I will get to in a moment..). For not planning anything special this was a pretty darn good day.
My favorite birthday well wish of today: You're going to love the 30's! - Thanks Amy, that's just what I wanted to here!
Today I had nothing unusual planned. We were told of a park to explore and I planned to go for a run. It turned into one of those park days that you want to last forever. The kids were awesome, the weather was awesome, it just flowed (with the help of birthday coffee and homemade cupcakes, thanks Dags!). This was followed by some quiet downtime at home and then off to the Turner's for a run trade (we each have kids so one runs while the other babysits, and then swap). My run was excellent even in the warm weather. Then an old friend showed up unexpected and we all went out to dinner (the hubby joined the day at this point). After a late, but quick bedtime routine I am now right where I want to be: on the deck with a glass of wine and a good book (that I will get to in a moment..). For not planning anything special this was a pretty darn good day.
My favorite birthday well wish of today: You're going to love the 30's! - Thanks Amy, that's just what I wanted to here!
I took the girls to a new park today and they went on a climbing bonanza! Therefore you get a whole slideshow instead of just one picture today. They followed the climbing with a bridge walk and some dirt play. It was the best way to spend the morning for both mommies and kids.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I am going to make an attempt to take a picture a day for the next 365 days. I do not promise to post a picture a day but will try to stay as caught up as possible!
Meet 3 members of the USA team for World Cup 2026:
Claire is on offense while Kate and Leia take care of D.
Leia receiving some unappreciated instruction.
Bonding with the coach.
Meet 3 members of the USA team for World Cup 2026:
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Scene One
Today was Kate's first day of Ballet class. It was also the first class she has taken where the teacher closed the door and told the parents to stay outside. I was sad not to have an up close view of what they were doing but boy were the glimpses I caught ridiculously cute! Kate gave me a hug and ran into the room very excited to finally be wearing her ballet slippers for the appropriate reason. Thanks for the hand-me-downs Skyann! There was stretching and galloping, hand holding, and scarf dancing. After 45 min the teacher opened the door and Kate came running out yelling "Bye, Thank You" to the teacher. I was so proud she didn't need prompting on her manners! On the walk home we discussed class and I asked her what her favorite part was, her reply: "All the parts were my favorite part." Awesome. She is desperate for it to be next week so she can go to class again and suggested she do two dance classes. I think she liked it.

Favorite Things: 30
Single Serving Friends. I have tried to refrain from using kid related items as my favorite things but seeing as this is my last favorite I'll make an exception. I truly adore going to the park with my girls and watching them make instant friends. Kate routinely runs up to kids and announces who she is (using her full name) hoping they will want to play. I appreciate seeing how outgoing she is becoming. I also appreciate the single serving friends that approach Leia hoping she will play. Sometimes they are big kids, sometimes they are little. Leia doesn't care, she'll play with anyone. This is one thing I can learn from my kids: don't be afraid to go up to someone and say Hi. Making friends can be easy. Single serving friends are even better when they become regular buddies.
Favorite Things: 29
Night Snowboarding. Sitting on the deck may be the way to end the day in the summer but come winter and snow all I want is to be on the mountain. I have embraced night snowboarding for its lack of crowds and cheaper prices. Plus the mountain is very willing to let me work out the days emotions on it. Joy, frustration, stress...it takes it all. I used to go up with my BIL, and occasionally my best friend. Last year I hit the slopes with a new mommy friend, fabulous! I'm a pretty crappy snowboarder but I still love it, one day I'll get better. For now I will just appreciate it for a night out playing in the snow in the dark.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Favorite Things: 28
Summer Nights Outside. Being outside is great but getting to end the day out there is even better. I love sitting on the deck, outside at a restaurant, or anywhere with a good view. I especially enjoy the feeling of staying out until I get a little colder than I want to be and knowing the day is over and my bed is waiting. Summer just will not get started around here so my evenings outside have been limited but twice in the last week I have gotten to sit outside with friends and wind down the day. Hopefully it will start to heat up so we can begin and end our days outside.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Favorite Things: 26
Pausing. We tend to keep on the move around here. Our day is generally broken into "before nap" and "after nap" activities. Sometimes we even nap at a friend's house to keep the day moving. This is where Pausing comes in. Sometimes it is nice to put life on pause and stay home for a day. Generally I get caught up on laundry as well but it's nice when the purpose of the day is to lounge and take it slow. I enjoy watching the girls settle in to setting up their toys knowing we have time for an elaborate dollhouse set up or extended play kitchen feast. Plus there is something satisfying about not strapping the girls into car seats for an entire day that makes me feel good about the day.
PS I clearly am horrible at numbering things. Evidently I posted Favorite 23 twice so I am skipping 24.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Favorite Things: 24
Holding Hands. Personally I think it is one of the most romantic parts of being a couple. I love the first hesitant time that hands connect. I remember shoving my hands in my pocket on a first date with my hubby so he couldn't hold my hand. I wasn't ready for that yet. I love that we have a special way of holding hands and I love that Scott recently taught it to our daughter. I also especially enjoy when one of my little ones reaches up their little hand to grab mine. While that usually happens so they can pull me somewhere it makes me smile when it is just because.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Favorite Things: 23
Running Gadgets. I am not the sort of person that needs the newest fanciest gadget released. However I am extremely grateful for two gadgets that I own, my: Garmin Foreruner and Monster iFreePlay headphones. I feel naked without them when I run. The Garmin completes my need to know speed and distance while I am running. The headphones have no cords for my arm to get tangled in. The Garmin was my Christmas present from Scott, I probably would never have bought it on my own. Thanks hubby! The headphones were a hand-me-down from the Dunbar's and have been well used and loved since. Thanks guys!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Gardiner Mega Adventure
The girls and I took a 3 day escape to Gardiner. It is out on the Peninsula on Discovery Bay. We ran away with the Cook mommy and kids trio. It is about 2 hours away with a ferry ride included. The weather was not super cooperative but we were prepared with rain gear. We managed to spend a lot of time outdoors on the porch, at the Dungeness Spit, and meandering the neighborhood. Did I mention we stayed at Willow's Grandma and Grandpa's house? They were out of town and still managed to be some of the most hospitable people I have ever met. They made sure there were bubbles and craft projects for the kids and plenty of wine for the moms. We look forward to heading back when the weather is better and when the Cooks are there to visit with.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Favorite Things: 23
Adventures. We have been challenged by our good friends, the Cook family, to go on one Mega-Adventure a month this summer. At first that sounded perfectly motivating, now it seems impossible to limit it to one a month. There are so many great summer adventures to enjoy. I love getting out with the girls and trying something new. I also enjoy leaving the house right after breakfast knowing we won't be back until late afternoon or bedtime. There is something about closing the door as we walk out and thinking "what happens, happens" and purposefully not breaking our day into "before nap" and "after nap" segments. What's on the list this summer: Jetty Island, Bremerton Fountains, Park City, Utah, Eugene, Oregon, and possibly Crescent Bar, WA (to name a few!). Not all of these will be with the Cook's but they will all be adventures.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Favorite Things: 22
Being a Cheap Drunk. There's something about only needing 2 glasses of wine or two beers to be completely satisfied with the evening that is well...completely satisfying. After two pregnancies and not drinking often for a few years I am now enjoying the benefits of being a cheap drunk. It's nice to know a bottle of wine will last a few days. Plus it makes going out for drinks an economical idea.
Favorite Things: 27
Free Babysitting. Who doesn't like free stuff. My mom friends and I do lots of babysitting trades, which is awesome. However when someone offers to watch your kids just because they have a free moment makes my heart smile. Both of my sisters have offered up their capable hands recently to watch the girls so I can go for a run. My friend's husband pitched in to do the same thing so we could run together. It's great knowing that people like my kids enough to want to watch them without getting something in return. Though generally I am willing to make them dinner or buy them a drink in return.
Favorite Things: 21
The Power of Water. The girls spent an hour playing with a bucket of water and some assorted cups and dishes yesterday. If Leia sees a puddle it takes all of her will power not to splash in it. When given the okay to splash, the glee that takes over her face is worth the wet clothes. Going to lap swim at the end of a long day is exhaustingly pleasing. Standing hip deep in the lake, pool, ocean and running my hands through the water is calming. Sitting here staring at Discovery Bay from the living room window of a friend's house completes the vacation atmosphere.
There are so many examples of how water influences my day. What a fantastically wonderfully piece of nature.
There are so many examples of how water influences my day. What a fantastically wonderfully piece of nature.
Favorite Things: 20
Spying. More specifically, spying on daddy/daughter time. I love watching Scott and the girls bond when they don't know I'm watching. I'm an addictive mother in that even when Scott is taking care of the girls I have a hard time staying away from them. Their dynamic is so different than mine and watching the 3 people I love most grow closer. You never know what antics are going to happen, usually something from the garage makes its way to the yard, whether it's a ladder, bucket, or sawhorse there is fun to be had.
Watching soccer. A good chance to snuggle.
Creating obstacle courses just for the random fun of it.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Favorite Things: 19
Denee. I know it's not fair to list a single person but I'm doing it anyway. Denee has been my best friend since I was 10. I have been friends with her longer than anyone. We did not live more than 5 minutes apart until we were 22. We've had our ups and downs and definitely have some memories that are funny now but weren't at the time. She has shown me the meaning of unconditional love. No matter how many mistakes I make or wrong turns I take she has always been there supporting me for who I am. Now we live farther apart and talk once a month and see each other less often. There is not a single day that passes that I don't think of her or am reminded of her by something. My idea of an ideal evening right now is sitting down in a quiet house with a glass of wine, this lady, and having some good conversation.
Favorite Things: 18
Being a Coug! I spent 4 years at WSU and I am glad I did. I can't say I loved every moment but I appreciate what I learned and what my experiences there taught me. I always joked that Pullman was in a bubble and was its own little universe. Being at least an hour from a major city and surrounded by farmland that's not far from the truth. But that distance created an atmosphere concentrated on WSU and Cougar pride. I met some great people, had some great opportunities, and came home proud of my 4 years in college. Every time I see the WSU logo my heart beats a little faster and I am reminded of that small little town that changed my world. Many of you know I am married to a Husky (the major Cougar rival). This is not a problem however because he has no pride and I have enough for two. My children have never worn Husky clothing and they both own Cougar shirts. I joke with people not to waste their money on Husky souvenirs for my kids as they will just end up at Goodwill. I'm not actually joking.
Cougar Football at Qwest Field with Kate 2007
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Favorite Things: 17
Heavy Blankets. I love crawling into bed at the end of the day and feeling the weight of the comforter as I snuggle in. Scott once said he needed a heavy blanket when he sleeps so he wouldn't float away. He's a funny guy but makes a good point. Add a thick quilt as well and the weight of the day gets lost in the weight of the blankets. Just typing this makes me want to go curl up in bed, which also has the bonus of fresh sheets. I am hours away from sleep but knowing I have a cozy place to head to makes me want to get the most out of my day so I can appreciate crashing at the end.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Favorite Things: 16
Books turned into movies. I love to read, mostly fiction but to learn as well. I don't have a favorite book. I do have some favorite book-to-movie sets. The Firm by John Grisham is one of the first times I remember reading a book and then seeing the movie. I always enjoy a Jane Austen novel turned movie. Emma and Pride and Prejudice (2005) top that list. We have been watching Flash Forward and I just realized it was a book first. I look forward to reading it though I am always disappointed if I see the movie first. It takes away my ability to use my imagination on the characters. I eagerly anticipate sharing this tradition with my girls. I got to do a trial run on some girls I nannied and it was interesting to see the ones they enjoyed more than others.
I am a real paper, real pages kind of reader but I am converting to the ways of the Kindle. It is much more conducive to motherhood and certainly more convenient to carry. I am working through my "to read" pile of real books and doubt I will purchase anymore.
I am a real paper, real pages kind of reader but I am converting to the ways of the Kindle. It is much more conducive to motherhood and certainly more convenient to carry. I am working through my "to read" pile of real books and doubt I will purchase anymore.
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