Sunday, March 29, 2009



We are on vacation in Seabrook on the Washington Coast. It is pretty chilly, windy, rainy, sunny. A little bit of everything. That isn't stopping our adventuring. We have been on excursions to the beach, playing with rocks in the yard, biking around the neighborhood, and playing at the park. Lets not forget curling up by the fire with a warm book and relaxing in the hot tub. There was birthday cake too! What more can you want from vacation? (and it's only day 2!)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Finger Painting


While most of the paint made it on to the paper a little experimenting in body painting couldn't be resisted.

Captive Audience

Kate had some friends over the other day and they thought that Leia did not look girlie enough so they decided to help her out. Leia was a good sport and slept through the whole thing.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One Month


Leia at One Month

When Kate was little we took a picture of her every month in this green chair to visually chart her growth (unfortunately we didn't start that until the 2nd month). Now it is Leia's turn. Of course Kate needed to get in on the action.

Kate at almost 22 months

Daddy Play Time


Last night Scott and Kate gave Leia a workout. She practiced holding her head up while on her tummy (with Kate providing an example).


Then they worked out her legs. Kate gave some good helper boosts from behind. Leua also did some situps. After all that hard work it was time to rest while daddy and Kate horsed around.

Kate enjoyed every moment!
(and mommy enjoyed being on the sidelines for a bit)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Making Tracks

Leia got to enjoy her first snow day...sort of. She watched from a distance as Kate ran around the yard making tracks in the fresh snow.
We went out again later in the day, this time appropriately armed with hat, gloves, and snow boots (versus rain boots).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Piano Lessons


We spent an evening at Oma and Opa's house. Aidan and Kate decided to get musically creative on the piano. It was nice to see two toddlers not banging or pounding just to make noise but enjoying the sounds of the piano.

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